From the Los Altos Town Crier: Ghost Town’s Nose Goblin is hard to find but worth the search

Sudzers CFO Derek w’s monthly beer column from Los Altos Town Crier features the Great American Beer Festival 2022 Brewery of the Year (5000-15,000 barrels per year group) Ghost Town Brewing, which took home three medals in highly competitive hoppy beer categories last fall. Cheers!

Sudzers March meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, March 12th
at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you a discount at MoreBeer in Los Altos,
as well as access to the special members-only events we do through the


– Derek will be collecting dues. If you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to or give him $25 in person this Sunday.

– Club brew: update and plans for distribution. In addition, eligible members (i.e. you were a member in 2022) will be able to get their beer at this Sunday’s meeting.

– Brewer of the year for 2022. 

– Off-flavor of the month (Mikael).

– Santa Clara County Fair homebrew competition (Derek).

– Discussion of the history and style of hoppy lagers aka IPL or Cold IPA (Robert C.).

– Note: Stein’s homebrew competition has been cancelled.

– Homebrew evaluations. Here’s your chance to bring in your Black IPA if you brewed one. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Sudzers February 2023 meeting notes

Hello Sudzers,

For our February 19th meeting, we discussed the club brew. Then we tasted eight great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.


– We welcomed new members Chris, Peter, and George. Welcome to the club!

– The club brew was brewed January 29 using the following Bière de Noël recipe: Chris, Natan, George, Allen, and Robert brewed up 15 gallons at Allen and Ann Marie’s house. Thanks to everyone who has participated! The plan is to cold crash and carbonate the beer next weekend and then package it a week after that. More details will be available on Discord in the Events channel

– The off flavor we tasted and discussed was diacetyl. Thanks to Mikael for putting this together!

– Steins is planning on a homebrew competition and has asked the Sudzers to help with organizing it. The details are still being worked on, but it looks like it will be on the weekend of March 18/19.

– Upcoming competitions: World Cup of Beer organized by the Bay Area Mashers (details at: Registration for entries and judges/stewards is now open.

– The beers we tasted:

BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
PeterBlackberry Wheat256
ChrisScotch Ale7Malty, a little sweet. Wee heavy but a little lighter alcohol
Kevin Shoppy pilsIPL?505.5
Kevin Shoppy pils- DHIPL?505.5same, but one has dry hop addition
Allen MManny LagerImperial IPL638.6Essentially brewed an Imperial IPA with Lager Yeast
Kevin sHazy IPA V2Hazy IPA576.82nd batch with Helio Glazer yeast

– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar:

Sudzers February meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, February 19th
at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you a discount at MoreBeer in Los Altos,
as well as access to the special members-only events we do through the


– Collection of dues. Derek won’t be at this meeting, but you can
still pay dues by sending $25 via Paypal to 

– Update on the club brew and plans for packaging and distribution

–Upcoming homebrew competition at Steins in March

–Off flavor of the month

– Off flavor of the month

– 2022 Homebrewer of the Year.

– Homebrew evaluations. Here’s your chance to bring in your Black IPA
if you brewed one. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members
will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name
and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in
determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Robert Rohrbacher

Sudzers January 2023 meeting notes

Hello Sudzers,

For our January 8th meeting, we discussed the club brew and Derek gave his treasurer’s report for 2022. Then we tasted eight great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.


– We welcomed new member Chris. Welcome to the club!

– Derek reported on the club’s finances for 2022.

– The club brew will be the following Bière de Noël recipe: Chris, Allen, and Robert R. will get together to brew it this January.

– The off flavor we tasted and discussed was oxidation. Thanks to Mikael for putting this together!

– Upcoming competitions: World Cup of Beer organized by the Bay Area Mashers (details at: Registration for the National Homebrew Competition will open January 24th. See for more details.

– An email will go out for members to vote for the 2022 Homebrewer of the Year.

– The next style for the club to try brewing will be hoppy lagers. If you would like to take a shot at brewing one, aim for having it ready for the March meeting,

– The beers we tasted:

BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
Derek WPlan Bee Honey Kolsch #4Kolsch205.9Changed water profile from batch 3 to decrease sulfate/chloride ratio
Charles STaras Boulba (clone)Saison457
Robert RBlack IPA677
Kevin SBlack Hole SunCascadia Dark Ale827.5
MikaelBlack IPAWell, black IPA1007
Derek WBiere de NoelBiere de Garde3010Robert R’s recipe
AllenMogarambo 2021Russian Imperial Stout959.8Kona Coffee and THCO Cacao nibs 2yr aged
Tim TopoleSmokeSmoked Porter6011


– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar:

Sudzers January meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, January 8th
at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you a discount at MoreBeer in Los Altos,
as well as access to the special members-only events we do through the


– Derek will be collecting dues. If you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to or give him $25 in person this Sunday.

– Annual financial report (Derek).

– Date and other logistics for the club brew

– Off flavor of the month

– The next beer style to cover and who would like to present on it.– 2022 Homebrewer of the Year.

– Homebrew evaluations. Here’s your chance to bring in your Black IPA if you brewed one. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Sudzers November meeting notes

Hello Sudzers,

For our November 13th meeting, we discussed the annual end of the year party and the club brew. Then we tasted twelve great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.


– We welcomed new members Allen and Ann Marie. Welcome to the club!

– The club brew will be the following Bière de Noël recipe: We’re planning on brewing it in mid January 2023.

– We will have our end of the year party either on the weekend of December 10/11 or December 17/18. An email will go out to find out what day works best for people.

– The beers we tasted:

BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABV
Sebastian BAmerican Wheat Ale304.7%
Kevin S24k Goldblonde ale276
Derek WPlan Bee Honey Kolsch #3Kolsch305.6
Sebastian BAmerican Pale Ale405.5
Derek WYa HeardAmber354.7
Nathanbiere de garde6.3%
Robert RBiere de Noelbiere de garde247.7
AdamScotch Ale9.0%
Kevin SThiol Hazy expNEIPA547
StephanMowgli’s Black Cat IPABlack IPA457.5%
AllenHappy CascadeWest Coast DIPA898.4%


– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar:

Sudzers November meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, November 13th
at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you a discount at MoreBeer in Los Altos,
as well as access to the special members-only events we do through the


–- Discussion: Will we have a club brew this year?

— Discussion: Will we be voting for homebrewer of the year?

–- Planning and location of our end of year party.

— Tasting any Black IPAs members brewed after the last meeting’s presentation on the style.

–- Homebrew evaluations. Don’t forget to bring your recipe as club members will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

–- Derek will be collecting dues. If you’d like to pay club dues, please send $25 via Paypal to

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Sudzers October meeting notes

Hello Sudzers,

For our October 9th meeting, we discussed an upcoming visit to Alpa Acid Brewing in Belmont and the annual end of the year party. In addition, Stepan Piotrowski gave a presentation on Black IPAs. Then we tasted six great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up!


– Alpha Acid Brewing would like to have the Sudzers over for a visit to their brewery in Belmont and give us a presentation on what they are doing with thiol producing yeasts. The visit will be on Sunday, November 6 in the afternoon. More details to follow.

– Some of the employees at Steins have asked the Sudzers to show them how to homebrew. Robert C. will follow up with them to set up a date.

– The off flavor of the month that we sampled and discussed was Isovaleric acid. Thanks to Mikael for putting this together!

– Stephan Piotrowski gave a presentation on the Black IPAs, covering the history, BJCP guidelines, and ingredients for the style. (Available at: At next month’s meeting we will be tasting the Black IPAs people have made.

– We will have our end of the year party at Clandestine Brewing. Details to follow.

– The California State Homebrew Competition will be this November. Entries can be submitted until 10/13. People can also sign up to serve as judges or stewards. More details can be found at the competition website:

– The beers we tasted:

bill pCosmic plum alefruit ale05.9
AlexHazy kiwiHazy ipa275.5
kevinJAKs Strong Bitter V2strong bitter506.5
StephanMowgli’s Black Cat IPABlack IPA456.9


– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar: