Upcoming Sudzers Events

Club events are always posted on the calendar on www.sudzers.org, but we wanted to highlight a few upcoming events. See the calendar for times, locations, and other details.

  • October 18: Thirsty Third Thursday at Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose
  • November 2: Monthly Sudzers meeting at Nick’s house
  • November 15: Thirsty Third Thursday, location TBD
  • November 24: Fall Brew Day at Keith’s house – more details later, but know that we plan to brew an awful lot of the club recipe Dark Matter Imperial Stout!
  • December 7: Monthly Sudzers meeting will be cancelled but fear not because..
  • December 8: Annual Sudzers Holiday Party at Nick’s house. Again, more details later…



Northern California Homebrewers Festival Photos

The Sudzers represented well at the Northern California Homebrewers Festival in September with about 20 members in attendance and 13 outstanding brews on tap! Plans are already underway for NCHF 2013, with the theme “Space: The Beer Frontier.” Cheers!

Homebrewing books & DVDs from your local library

A couple of club members are working on doing a Homebrewing 101 presentation at the Morgan Hill Library on October 11. As part of our preparations, we put together a list of excellent homebrewing books and DVDs available at any Santa Clara County Library District library. For your reading and viewing pleasure: http://is.gd/homebrewlist. Cheers!


Sudzers September Meeting Notes

We had a fantastic September meeting – lots of guests since we had Master Cicerone Nicole Erny presenting!  Here’s what you missed if you weren’t there…

New Sudzers T-Shirts are here! $20/Men’s, $25/Women’s (this is at cost!)

NCHF Planning – members going to NCHF had a quick planning session with Mike Conant, our NCHF Chair this year.  If you weren’t at the meeting and haven’t seen any of the emails this week and you ARE going to NCHF, email Mike (or Derek or myself) immediately so we can get you on the distribution list!

Third Thirsty Thursday – September 20th at Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose (390 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose); show up between 6 – 7 pm, leave whenever!

The summer party was a huge success – many thanks to Jim for loaning us the fun house and for Nick on taking excellent care of the fun house!

Plan on a fall club brew day later this year – making lots of the infamous Dark Matter Russian Imperial Stout again!

Nicole Erny, Master Cicerone gave a fantastic presentation to the group on “Focus on Flavor”.  We all learned many interesting facts about palates, how to train your palate and how to develop a better vocabulary when describing beer, food, wine, etc.  If you are an AHA member, you can login to the NHC conference site and view the same presentation materials Nicole showed us.

Homebrew Tasting: (due to the large group and length of the meeting, we did not use our rating system on the homebrews presented); you’ll also note a few entries from the Worts’ canned fruit challenge…

  • Jim – Cherry Berlinerweiss
  • Santiago – Gluten Free Saison, made with sorghum and brown rice syrups
  • Chris Ringer – Apricalt, and Apricot-flavored northern German Alt beer
  • Keith – Blackberry Schwarzbier
  • Steve & Keith – Red Velvet Cake Ale 1.0, an ale made with a special cake recipe modified by Steve Casselman, trying to get that baked cake flavor into the beer; Version 2.0 is in secondary right now.
  • Marcus – Night Man (fighter of Day Man), Oatmeal Stout
  • Mike & Matt – Porter; 1st 10 gallon batch, 1st dark beer, 1st beer in kegerator, lots of 1st’s here!
  • Morgan – Eviler Twin, More Beer Evil Twin kit, added American oak chips soaked in 2 oz. rye whiskey and Falconer’s Flight hops to make it “eviler”
  • Jim & Jason – Blind Pig Clone; added oak chips in secondary; only 14 days old
  • Derek – Cask aged American Barley Wine – boozy!

 Reminder to homebrewers for future meetings – bring your recipe with you!

 See you at Thirsty Thursday, NCHF or our October 5 meeting!

Sudzers September meeting announcement

Hello Sudzers!  Just a quick reminder our September meeting is this Friday at 7pm at Nick’s house.  Need the address or directions?  Please email moresimcoe@sudzers.org and Chief Communications Officer Robin will be happy to help you.

Since we are expecting a larger crowd for this event, we are asking members to bring a folding chair or two if you’ve got some so we have enough seating for everyone!
Agenda for this month’s meeting includes:
7:00 Social Time
7:15 Club Business will start promptly at 7:15
  • New Sudzers T-Shirts ($20 Men/$25 Women)
  • Third Thirsty Thursday – September 20
  • NCHF Update

7:30 Nicole Erny, Master Cicerone –   “Focus on Flavor: Taste (And Describe) Beer Better”

8:30 Homebrew evaluations – style of the month is English Brown Ales, but all homebrew styles are welcome.
  • Reminder: Bring your recipe – club members will have lots of questions!
  • Don’t forget our new sign-in system – if you bring homebrew to share, enter it on the whiteboard along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc. – optional, but helpful in determining tasting order)
  • Styles for the rest of 2012 are as follows:
    • October:  Belgian Strong Ales
    • November:  Wood aged beer & Smoked beer
    • December Holiday Party – no style of the month 
After homebrew evaluations: more social time/informal commercial brew sharing

Always welcome: homebrews from any style to share.  Don’t have any homebrew on hand right now? Feel free to bring other interesting brews you’ve picked up. Don’t have a beer to bring? Please bring some snacks to share.

Since we have a fabulous presentation tomorrow, we WILL be starting on time.  If you can’t make it by 7:15. please come in and sit down quietly and join the presentations!
See you tomorrow!

August Meeting Minutes

Sudzers Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2012

Upcoming Events:

  • Third Thirsty Thursday – August 16th at Original Gravity
  • Sudzers Summer Soiree – August 18th  at 2:00 pm at the Fun House.  Bring a side or dessert to share.  Bring beer.
  • NCHF Planning – September 21-22; separate email list created for those who have tickets; watch for details soon
Big news!
  • Tyler is starting a small brewery operation. 5 barrel system purchased.  Looking for support from Sudzers members – money, labor, etc. Currently looking for a location. More information to come, or keep up at https://www.facebook.com/CatalystBrewingCo
Homebrew tasting:

Nathan – Pilsner; average rating: members would buy a pint

Matt & Mike – Vienna Lager; members would buy a pint

Elan – Kombucha ale; members would buy a taster

Jim – Hefewiezen; members would buy a pitcher

Doug – Saison; members would buy a pint/pitcher

Bobby – Citra Pale Ale; members would buy a pitcher/keg

Derek – Citra Pale from More Beer Sale Brew Day; members would buy a pint

Kathy – Amber ale; members would buy a pint

Mike – Pale; members would buy a pitcher

David – Porter; members would buy a taster/pint

Liza – Breakfast Stout; members would buy a pint/pitcher

Tyler – Imperial Barley Wine; members would buy a pint

Tom – DIPA; members would buy a keg      **Tom had the best beer tonight**

Reminder to homebrewers – bring your recipe with you!

Master Cicerone Nicole Erny to speak at Sept. 7 Sudzers meeting

I am delighted to share that the Sudzers will have a special guest speaker at the September 7 meeting. Nicole Erny is one of only four Master Cicerones in the world, having demonstrated mastery of everything on this outline during a grueling exam that takes two full days to complete.

You can read more about Nicole at http://draftmag.com/features/nicole-erny-master-of-craft/, or follow her on twitter at @Beer_Muse.
Nicole Erny
In her talk “Focus on Flavor: Taste (And Describe) Beer Better,” Nicole will present on the following: We enjoy fermented products because of the amazing depth of flavors they present, including many flavors that we detect in the parts per billion and less! Mastering the ability to describe these flavors takes dedication!  Many homebrewers and BJCP Judges reach a plateau in their ability to describe beer, relying on borrowed phrases and expectations rather than their own senses. This talk is designed to give anyone a set of tools they can use to bring their tasting and describing up to a next level.  In addition to contributing to everyday enjoyment, this is sure to assist in formal judging as well as exams.   

As usual, the meeting will begin with social time at 7:00, followed by a brief discussion of club business at 7:15. Nicole’s talk will begin at 7:30 and will last approximately one hour, after which we will evaluate the homebrews people have brought (maybe with all sorts of new-found ability to describe what we’re tasting!).

Also, be sure to arrive early enough, and with enough cash, to purchase one (or more!) of the brand-spanking-new, hot-off-the-silkscreen, Sudzers t-shirts before the 7:15 start of the business meeting.  The shirts were designed by our very own Doug Weitz, and feature a very cool 4 color graphic inspired by an integrated circuit (You’ll have to come to the meeting to see it!) Mens t-shirts will be $20, and ladies’ t-shirts will be $25. Supplies will be limited, so be first in line to purchase one!

Look forward to seeing you all on Friday.




Sudzers Summer Party

A grand time was had by all at the Sudzers Summer Party at the “fun house” on August 18. Many fine homebrews and commercial beers were enjoyed, lots of tasty food was consumed, much swimming was done, and plenty of ping pong, billiards and pinball were played by the 30+ Sudzers in attendance. Cheers!

July meeting notes, a little late!

August notes are coming soon. In the meantime, here’s July! In other news, hope to see you Thursday evening 8/16 at Original Gravity Public House at 66 S. 1st Street in San Jose for Sudzers Thirsty Third Thursday. Email moresimcoe@sudzers.org for details.

But now, on to the meeting notes…
The style of the month was IPA, so we had a full house with 34 brewers and beer enthusiasts!

Derek, Keith and Steve updated the group on NHC and what fun and education was had by all.  Derek brought one of the commemorative conference beers to share with the group… Wry Smile Rye IPA.

We also hosted a brew day July 14 during More Beer’s twice yearly sale.  Derek brewed up an extract Citra wheat pale ale, Keith and Steve made a red velvet cake ale (which Steve made up a special recipe red velvet cake to be used in the mash), and Doug and his crew brewed up “Supernatural Anesthetist” – based on Three Floyd’s Zombie Dust, a Citra-hopped Imperial Pale Ale.  We also had fun serving up many brews for our members and tons of great food thanks to Chris.  Talked to lots of people, so we’ll see if we have some new guests in August!

Harry’s Hofbrau saw a handful of Sudzers on July 19 for Third Thirsty Thursday – great beers still on tap.  Facebook claims Pliny is back on tap.

Derek asked the group for ideas for presentations at upcoming meetings.  Ideas ranged from brewing with different grains, exploring hrms, water profiles, adjuncts, beer and food pairing and other technical discussions.  If you have anythink you’d like to present or talk about, email moresimcoe@sudzers.org.

Work is progressing on the Sudzers.org website.  If you’ve got something to contribute, email Keith and he’ll set you up with a password.  Also, if you’re on facebook, be sure to like the Silicon Valley Sudzers page https://www.facebook.com/sudzers for up to the minute information on events!

We used a new rating scale for homebrew tasting.  After tasting and discussing the beer, the group then gives their personal opinion on whether they’d a) dump the beer, b) buy a taster, c) buy a pint, d) buy a pitcher, or e) buy a keg!  This helped everyone give and get feedback, whether you’re a beer appreciator or experienced judge and kept the meeting moving along.  We spent about 90 minutes reviewing the 12 homebrews brought to the meeting.  The brewers, both old a new, received some great feedback!

See the bottom of the photo below for fancy illustrations of the rating system. Congrats to Linda for the most “I’d buy a Keg” ratings for her IPA! The two beer names obscured by the flash are Linda’s Hoppy IPA and Antwerp Afternoon, a first homebrew (Saison) from our first-time guest Fuad!

Most important news next…we have a date for the Sudzers Summer Party!  Save the date for Saturday, August 18.  The Sudzers summer party is a family-oriented event, held at the “fun house” across the street from Nick’s.  Thanks to Jim for allowing us the use of his truly fun house!     For those of you who haven’t been there, there’s a pool, pool tables, pinball machines etc. Stay tuned for more details, but block off the afternoon of August 18th now!

Lastly, NCHF (Northern California Homebrewers’ Festival) is coming up September 21 and 22.  If you didn’t get your tickets but have a beer you’d like us to serve, let me know and I’ll see if we a)have room to transport it and b) have room to serve it!  If you’ve got your tickets or are on wait list, we’ll be creating a separate email list soon to start hammering out all the details!  Only 8 weeks from today until the event!

Next meeting:  Friday, August 3 at 7pm at Nick’s.  Style of the month is Light Lager (including Helles and Dortmunder).  Hope to see you there!

Sudzers included in two articles on South Bay craft beer scene

Silicon Valley Sudzers get a shout out in Metro Silicon Valley’s 2nd annual beer issue, covering the up and coming South Bay craft beer scene: http://www.metroactive.com/features/craft-brew-south-bay.html

as well as examiner.com’s article on the same topic: http://www.examiner.com/article/july-2012-taking-inventory-of-the-san-jose-area-craft-beer-establishments
