Gateway brews for people who (think that they) don’t like craft beers – Sudzers VP Derek W’s latest column for the Los Altos Town Crier
April 16th Thirsty Third Thursday @ Clandestine Brewing
Thirsty Third Thursday this month will be on April 16th at Clandestine brewery at 7PM.
See you there.
Sudzers meeting this Friday (4/3)
Meeting agenda:
7:00 ==> SF Beer tour – Charles
7:15 ==> Stein’s beer contest
After homebrew evaluations: more social time/informal commercial brew sharing. Always welcome: homebrews from any style to share. Don’t have any homebrew on hand right now? Feel free to bring other interesting brews you’ve picked up. Don’t have a beer to bring? Please bring some snacks to share.
Photos from the February 21 sixteen course Sudzers beer and food pairing Dinner
The full gallery is available at
Following are just a few samples:
March meeting notes
Nick continued to distribute the fantastic Dark Matter t-shirts that all 2014 paid club members were eligible to receive as a benefit of membership.
Upcoming club events include March 19 Thirsty Third Thursday (location TBD – either Mission Creek Brewing or Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose – watch the email list for details a few days before), a members-only vertical tasting of Bigfoot, and an April SF public transit pub crawl led by Charles. Dates for the pub crawl were narrowed down to April 18 or 19 – Charles will poll the email list before making a final decision.
As the club explores a move to potential new meeting locations later this year, we thanked Nick for many great years of hosting at his house. More information will be forthcoming from club officers, but anyone with suggestions for potential meeting places was asked to contact any of the club officers (Jim W, Derek W, Nick O, Pranab S, Tim T, or Mike C).
Beers tasted included both commercial brews from club members as well as homebrews:
Nic M’s Choco Chocolate Milk Stout
Adam C’s Burnt Sugar Cider
David P’s (Rock Bottom) Vanilla Brown Ale
Derek W’s Kiss Me I’m Shitfaced Oak Aged Milk Stout with Whiskey and Vanilla
Rob C’s (Clandestine) Session Barleywine
Nic M’s Oaky Bourbon Barrel Porter
David P’s (Rock Bottom) Oaked Pumpkin Ale
David P’s (Rock Bottom) Double Belgian IPA
Jared’s New Nunutiny Stout
March 6 Meeting Agenda
Tonight’s monthly Sudzers meeting will be held at Nick’s house,
beginning at 7 pm. Need the address or directions? Email Don’t forget to carpool if possible to make
sure there’s enough parking to go around.
7 pm: Social time and distribution of Dark Matter shirts
7:30 pm: Club business
-Upcoming Events
-March 19, Thirsty Third Thursday
-March 20, Bigfoot Vertical Tasting (members only)
-April public transit pub crawl with Charles
-Upcoming meeting locations
8:00 pm: Homebrew evaluations. Reminder: Bring your recipe – club
members will have lots of questions! Sign your beer in on the
whiteboard along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc. –
optional, but helpful in determining tasting order)
After homebrew evaluations: more social time/informal commercial brew
sharing. Always welcome: homebrews from any style to share. Don’t have
any homebrew on hand right now? Feel free to bring other interesting
brews you’ve picked up. Don’t have a beer to bring? Please bring some
snacks to share.
Los Altos Town Crier: Pro and not-yet-pro brewers turn out for local beer events
Sudzers COO Derek’s monthly column from the Los Altos Town Crier: Pro and not-yet-pro brewers turn out for local beer events.
Sudzer meeting this Friday (2/6)
Hello Sudzers!
Our February meeting will be held Friday, February 6th at 7PM at Nick’s house. Need the address or directions? Email Don’t forget to carpool if possible to make sure there’s enough parking to go around.
Meeting agenda:
BJCP Exam Report
Updates on the beer food pairing – Chris
Steins beer competition – Ryan
Dark Beer Competition – Pranab
Big Foot Vertical Tasting – Nick
AHA Rally @ Magnolia – Feb 7
SF Beer Week – Feb 7 – 15th
San Jose Craft Beer Festival – Feb 28th
8PM Homebrew evaluations. Reminder: Bring your recipe – club members will have lots of questions! Sign your beer in on the whiteboard along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc. – optional, but helpful in determining tasting order)
After homebrew evaluations: more social time/informal commercial brew sharing. Always welcome: homebrews from any style to share. Don’t have any homebrew on hand right now? Feel free to bring other interesting brews you’ve picked up. Don’t have a beer to bring? Please bring some snacks to share.
Aging big beers develops complex flavors (from the Los Altos Town Crier)
Sudzers COO Derek W’s latest column from the Los Altos Town Crier: