Sudzers March 2024 meeting notes

In our March meeting, we discussed the upcoming Steins and Santa Clara County Fair homebrew competitions. Then we tasted five great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

– The Steins homebrew competition will be held Sunday, 3/24/2024. Registration for entries is available at this URL: The beer drop-off period is 3/16-3/23. So far we have four judges, but we still need a few more. If you’re interested in serving as a judge or steward, contact Robert or Derek. The plan is to have the judging in the morning, break for lunch, and have the best of show in the afternoon.

– Alan, Sebastian, Stephan, and Nathan brewed an American pale this past Saturday. They split the batch to see what difference different fermentation systems will make.

– The Santa Clara County Fair homebrew competition will be held in July. Currently, the plan is to have the beer drop off July 13th and 14th and the judging on the weekend of July 27/28. The organizers are looking for volunteers willing to help with organizing the competition.

– The beers we tasted:

BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
Peter PShe Likes Meyer… Wit!witbier205made with Meyer lemon
StephanRye of the KaiserRye Kolsch275Kolsch with 20% rye
StephanExperimental Weather Balloon #7Cold IPA606.4Dry hopped with HBC 1019 and Idaho 7
Derek W2011 Cranberry Mead0?recipe is lost to time. brewed in January 2011.
Charles SDeal with the DevilEnglish Barleywine BBA3314.3Bourbon soaked French Oak cubes MT for 5 weeks

– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar: