Dark Beer competition was a success! Congratulations to the winners.
Dark Beer < 9%
1st Place – Robust Porter by Adam
2nd Place – American Stout by Nick
3rd Place – Oak Aged Milk Stout by Derek
Dark Beer > 9%
1st Place – Bourbon Oak Aged RIS by Nick
2nd Place – Barley Wine by Adam
3rd Place – Russian Imperial Stout by Duncan
Other great entries in the competition were,
Porter by Matt, Black Lager by Tyler, Baltik Porter by Tim and Russian Imperial Stout by Chris.
July 16: Thirsty 3rd Thursday at Santa Clara Valley Brewing
July 18, 10 am: NCHF ticket sales open
July 25: North Bay Bus Trip
July 30, 6:30 pm: NCHF Planning meeting at Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose
August meeting is confirmed for 8/2 at Steins. Time TBD
At least 9 new Sudzers BJCP judges, possibly more, from recent exam (Derek H and Steve C were already judges). Congrats to Certified judges Duncan and Derek W, and Recognized judges Tyler, Jim W, Elan, Steve H, Adam C, Charles, and Doug H.