Bus Trip is Almost Here – Saturday June 9th!

Join the Silicon Valley Sudzers for our East Bay Bus Trip 2012!


Destination: four East Bay breweries!


Elevation 66 in El Cerrito http://www.elevation66.com/#!beer-menu
Linden Street in Oakland http://www.lindenbeer.com/beers.html

$30 for dues-paying Sudzers members
$40 for non-members
(Prices include transportation and bus snacks, as well as water and other liquid refreshments, but lunch and beer ordered at breweries will be on your own);  Please note the purchase price includes paypal fees.


Location Arrive Depart
Sunnyvale Caltrain Early enough! 08:45
EJ Phair / Heretic 10:00 11:30
Light lunch at EJ Phair (optional) 11:30 12:15
Elevation 66 13:00 14:00
Linden Street 14:30 15:30
Drakes Barrel House 16:00 17:15
Sunnyvale Caltrain 18:00 As safely as possible!


To purchase tickets, please visit: