Sudzers April 2023 meeting notes

Hello Sudzers,

For our April 16th meeting, we discussed this year’s Homebrew Con and the next beer style to be presented. Then we tasted five great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

– Ed dropped off some brewing equipment he no longer uses. At the moment Kevin has it. We will send out a list so that members can claim any of the equipment they would like.

– Homebrew Con will be June 22-24 in San Diego. The discussion was rather short, since no one present at the meeting is planning on attending. However, if anyone is planning on going, they can use the Event channel on Discord to coordinate activities with other members who will be in San Diego.

– For the next beer style, Sebastian offered to give a presentation on kettle sours (tentatively in June).

– The beers we tasted:

BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
SebastianGerman Helles Exportbier255.3
PeterSt PattysGolden ale304
ChrisSMASH Pale aleClone of Alvarado “Mai Tai”
StephanOops All CaraRedRed Pale Ale566.3
StephanMurphy’s LawHazy IPA??6.4

– Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at

– If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.

– All shared recipes can be found at If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to Full info can be found at

– For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar: