January meeting this Friday

Happy 2013 Sudzers! It’s time for our January meeting!!

7:00 Social Time
7:15 Club Business
7:30 Homebrew evaluations

If you bring homebrew to share, enter it on the whiteboard along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc. – optional, but helpful in determining tasting order). Also don’t forget your recipe! There will be questions on ingredients, your process, etc!

We’ve been averaging 30 attendees or so per meeting, so if you are bringing homebrew, please bring enough that everyone could get an ounce or two – if you’ve got enough. Some members bring a growler (if they keg), others bring 2 bombers or 4 12-ounce bottles. If you’ve only got a little, we can instruct everyone to take a taste and couples can share. Also let us know if the beer is bottle conditioned so we make sure everyone pours correctly and doesn’t shake up the bottles!

Don’t have any homebrew to share? Please bring a snack to share instead.

Need directions or have additional questions? Please email moresimcoe (at) sudzers.org

See you there!

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