Sudzers March 2025 meeting notes

We got together on the 9th for our last meeting at Steins and we tasted seven great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

  • We met new member Alex. Welcome to the club! 
  • The club brew: Several of us got together Feb. 15 to can this year’s brew which is a biere de garde. The numbers: 1.081 O.G., 1.022 F.G, 7.9% abv, 28 IBUs. Thanks to everyone who helped with the brewing and packaging. Special thanks to Nate for hosting and for the use of his equipment. 
  • World Cup of Beer: Entries can be registered through 3/12. Judges and stewards can register through 3/26. Details at:
  • Since Steins is closing at the end of March, we will be exploring different possible venues for our meetings. On April 13th, we will be meeting at Off the Rails Brewing in Downtown Sunnyvale ( Our May 18th meeting will be at Clandestine Brewing (
  • Santa Clara County Fair: the homebrew competition will be held the last Saturday in July and the drop off for entries will be on the third weekend of July. There is also the possibility of doing a homebrewing demo at the fair as well.
  • Derek gave his annual treasurer’s report:
  • The beers we tasted:
BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
PeterOcean not the BayGolden Ale424.5brewed with oyster shells
TimNPAPale Ale305.1
DerekSauvintRye Lager305.9
Kevin SNZP 1NZ Pilsner415.3
AllenChuck’s ChilledIPL647.9Tried Hop Oil Synergy with Idaho7, Motueka and Krush(HBC586)
PeterGreat Scott!Wee Heavy299.3
Kevin SBig MessImperial Stout639.7

Sudzers March 2025 meeting

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, March 9th at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you access to the special members-only events we do through the year.


  • Derek will be collecting dues. If you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to or give him $25 in person this Sunday.
  • Meeting locations and times (If you haven’t heard, Steins is closing at the end of March).
  • Distribution of the club brew.
  • Treasurer’s annual financial report.
  • Santa Clara County Fair homebrew competition and the possibility of holding a homebrewing workshop, brewing demo, and/or beer judging workshop at the fair.
  • World Cup of Beer.
  • Homebrew evaluations. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Sudzers February 2025 meeting notes

For our February meeting we presented the Brewer of the Year trophy and tasted six great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

  • The 2024 Brewer of the Year trophy was awarded to Allen Moore. Congratulations Allen!
  • Club brew: several members got together Sunday, 1/19 at Nate’s place to brew the club beer. We ended up with close to 17 gallons in the fermentor. Thanks to everyone who showed up to help and a special thanks to Nate for hosting the brew and for the use of his brewing equipment. We’re planning to package the beer sometime later this month. For anyone interested in helping, the details will be worked out on Discord.
  • The beers we tasted:
BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
Adam + MauryCider with nectarines07.4
Sebastianpiwo grodziskie352.6100% oak smoked wheat malt
Kevin Sschwarzbier285.4
Peter PrayRedwoodAmber305.4used redwood tree sprouts in mash and wirlpool
Peter PrayBelgian Stout407.6
AllenBarley wine4511.1

Sudzers February 2025 meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, February 2nd at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you access to the special members-only events we do through the year.


  • Derek will be collecting dues. If you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to or give him $25 in person this Sunday.
  • Report on the club brew.
  • Homebrewer of the Year results.
  • Homebrew evaluations. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!

Sudzers January meeting notes

We got together on the 12th for a small meeting and we tasted six great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

  • The club brew will now take place on Sunday January 19. Stay tuned for further details.
  • The beers we tasted:
BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
Adam Z.Len’s Light LagerAmerican Light Lager144.90%
DerekBeers Make Life Better!Marzen205.40%
MikaelSaison wo RaisonSaison215.75%
StephanFrosted Kiwicold IPA7.90%
Robert R.Bière de NoëlBière de garde237.30%
AllenDouble Down BrownImperial Brown4310.50%w/ hint of Vanilla and Cacao Nibs

Sudzers January meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

Apologies for the short notice, but there will be a meeting this month after all, since the club brew had to be postponed. The meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, January 12 at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you access to the special members-only events we do through the year.


– There isn’t a formal agenda. Attendees can make announcements or bring up topics for discussion before we get to the homebrew evaluations.

– Derek will be collecting dues. If you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to or give him $25 in person this Sunday.

– Homebrew evaluations. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members
will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name
and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in
determining tasting order. 

Hope to see you at Steins!

Sudzers November meeting notes

At our November meeting, we discussed this year’s club brew and the annual holiday party. Then we tasted four great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.

  • Report on last month’s tour of Admiral Maltings: A group of us took a couple of Ubers to Admiral which is located in Alameda. It was an enjoyable outing, and we were given a tour of the facility which practices traditional floor malting. While there, we even got to see an employee turn the malt. The tasting room featured a number of beers and spirits made with Admiral’s malts.
  • Annual holiday party: This year’s party will be held jointly with the Worts of Wisdom on December 7th at Clandestine Brewing. The event will begin at 4:30. It’ll be a potluck, and there will be a white elephant exchange.
  • Club brew: The recipe will be the same bière de Noël recipe we brewed last year. Nathan has offered to host the brewing and has the equipment necessary to brew and ferment 15 gallons of beer. We chose to brew the beer Saturday, December 7th (before the party).
  • The beers we tasted:
BrewerBeer NameBeer StyleIBUsABVBrewer Notes
RobertRye IPA656.50
AllenAnne’s (not too) Pale AleTriple (West Coast) IPA739.60Thiolized with Simcoe in mash
StephanKarl’s Revenge(Session???) Hazy535.10DDH hazy IPA with undershot OG
KevinCA Hazy DazeCA Hazy IPA?60?6.5West Coast / Hazy Fusion

Sudzers November meeting

Hello, Sudzers!

This month’s meeting will be held at 4:00pm this Sunday, November 10th
at Steins Beer Garden in Mountain View.
895 Villa Street
Mountain View, CA 94041

As a reminder, club dues are collected on a calendar year basis.
Becoming a paid member gets you access to the special members-only events we do through the year.


– Derek won’t be at the meeting, but if you would like to pay club dues, please send $25 via paypal to

– Report on last month’s tour of Admiral Maltings.

– 2024 club brew.

– Joint holiday party with the Worts of Wisdom at Clandestine (12/7)

– Homebrew evaluations. Remember to bring your recipe, since club members
will have lots of questions. Sign in your beer along with your name and statistics (IBU, ABV, etc.). The info is optional, but helpful in determining tasting order.

Hope to see you all at Steins!