We got together on the 9th for our last meeting at Steins and we tasted seven great homebrews. Thanks to Stein’s and everyone who showed up.
- We met new member Alex. Welcome to the club!
- The club brew: Several of us got together Feb. 15 to can this year’s brew which is a biere de garde. The numbers: 1.081 O.G., 1.022 F.G, 7.9% abv, 28 IBUs. Thanks to everyone who helped with the brewing and packaging. Special thanks to Nate for hosting and for the use of his equipment.
- World Cup of Beer: Entries can be registered through 3/12. Judges and stewards can register through 3/26. Details at: https://register.worldcupofbeer.com/
- Since Steins is closing at the end of March, we will be exploring different possible venues for our meetings. On April 13th, we will be meeting at Off the Rails Brewing in Downtown Sunnyvale (https://offtherailsbrewing.com/). Our May 18th meeting will be at Clandestine Brewing (https://www.clandestinebrewing.com/).
- Santa Clara County Fair: the homebrew competition will be held the last Saturday in July and the drop off for entries will be on the third weekend of July. There is also the possibility of doing a homebrewing demo at the fair as well.
- Derek gave his annual treasurer’s report: http://www.sudzers.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/2024-CFO-report.pdf
- The beers we tasted:
Brewer | Beer Name | Beer Style | IBUs | ABV | Brewer Notes |
Peter | Ocean not the Bay | Golden Ale | 42 | 4.5 | brewed with oyster shells |
Tim | NPA | Pale Ale | 30 | 5.1 | |
Derek | Sauvint | Rye Lager | 30 | 5.9 | |
Kevin S | NZP 1 | NZ Pilsner | 41 | 5.3 | |
Allen | Chuck’s Chilled | IPL | 64 | 7.9 | Tried Hop Oil Synergy with Idaho7, Motueka and Krush(HBC586) |
Peter | Great Scott! | Wee Heavy | 29 | 9.3 | |
Kevin S | Big Mess | Imperial Stout | 63 | 9.7 |
- Remember, membership dues need to be made every calendar year. If you haven’t paid yet, then you can make a payment of $25 to Derek via paypal at derek@sudzers.org
- If you haven’t already, please join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/mBQ7smguu7. All official communication (meeting information, event information, etc.) will continue to go through the mailing list, but Discord provides us a convenient way to have smaller, quicker conversations, so we encourage you to join.
- All shared recipes can be found at https://sites.google.com/a/cloudyforecast.com/brewme/home. If you’d like to have your recipe shared on the site, then please email it in any format to recipe-share@sudzers.org. Full info can be found at http://www.sudzers.org/?page_id=2910
- For a list of all upcoming competitions, check out the Worts of Wisdoms’ calendar: http://www.wortsofwisdom.org/calendar/upcoming-homebrewers-competitions/